Become a service provider

All administrations must make their online services accessible through SPID and Electronic Identity Card (Carta d’Identità Elettronica/CIE). Private entities can also enable access with digital identity. 

It's also possible use the implementation provided by aggregator

If you are a private individual, on the AgID website you can find the table that defines the rates applicable to private service providers for each billing period.

Below is the procedure for becoming a service provider:

  1. Be sure to select the following responsibility:
    • technical referent for all implementation activities of the SPID authentication system;
    • legal representative (or delegated person) for signing the agreement.
    • onboarding platform admin, all the process will be conducted via onboarding platform, the admin will follow the whole process and enable specific delegation for each phase
  2. Prepare the following documentation:
    1. Procura speciale.....
    2. ...
  3. Set up your installation following the procedura tecnica;
  4. Start the enroll procedure using the onboarding platform
    1. Login to Onboarding and ask to became entity admin
    2. Wait that AgID activate your account and eventually create delegation
    3. Insert you VAT infomation
    4. Create the agreement, download and sign it
    5. Upload the signed agreement and sent to AgID
    6. Wait for AgID sign of the agreement
    7. Fill the service available trought  SPID  login
    8. Generate certificate that you'll use to sign the metadata and to sign the authentication request (you'll use this certificate in your system). Use the onboarding funzion "Certificate"
    9. When you're ready, ask the technical validation indication the metadata URL and the login page (URL of the page that contains "Entra con SPID" button)
    10. Wait for AgID check and notification of the SPID federation enrollment success. AgID informs the operators and then the services will become accessible with SPID.
    11. In the meantime of the administrative process (point n.2), yous can use the Metadata Test function, to load  multiple metadata and check the validation of the related system.